Future Planning: Learning Vision Into Action (LVIA)

Our Learning Vision
Every day, every student will engage in meaningful learning opportunities within a safe, caring community and leave school feeling included, connected, and valued, looking forward to tomorrow.

kids and older woman sitting on a table talking to each other

Future Planning Process
Every five years, D102 staff, administration, Board members, community members, and students gathers together to develop a solid understanding of the district’s learning vision and identify observable traits and indicators that will provide a framework and measurements to assess current reality in relation to its vision. We identify challenges and opportunities and define broad goal areas to guide our district in the future. Our most recent planning process took place during the 2021-2022 school year and resulted in these broad goal areas:

  • Learning for Life

  • Maximizing Human Capital

  • Building for Future

The Learning Vision Into Action (LVIA) process for future planning moves us closer to our goals and ultimately our vision. The process confronts the brutal facts of the school system, as reflected in varied data, including the D102 Scorecard, several measures of academic performance, and multiple-source surveys. In 2010, four broad themes emerged from the group’s analysis: “Life and Learning Skills,” “Communicating in 21st Century Contexts,” “Personalized Learning and Academic Rigor,” “Human Capital: Recruit, Develop and Support Highly Effective Teachers.”  In 2016, these broad themes or clarifying goals were revised to “Learning for Life,” “Building for Our Future,” and “Maximizing Human Capital.”

Once the broad themes are identified, our goals and action steps are established to create the conditions which we believe have the greatest potential to develop and nurture the qualities embodied in the Portrait of a Graduate.

Annual Goals and Initiatives
At the core of our Learning Vision Into Action (LVIA) planning process is a focus on student learning. While acknowledging that high levels of academic achievement are valued (and achieved) in D102, it has never been our intent to focus solely on improving test scores. D102 is committed to developing confident, competent, and caring citizens who are prepared to lead in a world transformed by modern technologies, global interdependence, and economic uncertainty.

Each year, district staff identify the work to be done to move us closer and closer to our vision for learning. The Portrait of a D102 Graduate represents our aspirations or vision for every student and inspires us to create the conditions which have the greatest potential to develop and nurture the competencies and sustainable life skills outlined in our Portrait of a Graduate.