Things to Know...

Tripp Elementary School Building

Tripp Elementary School
850 Highland Grove
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
847-215-3268 Fax

Attendance: 847-955-3503

Drop off and Pick Up

If you are picking your child up by car or walking to Tripp School to pick up your child, you must have the Simpldismissal hang tag. 

Siblings will be assigned the same number so that families will only need one hang tag. Returning students will keep the same hang tag number as last year; however, you will be receiving a fresh new hang tag.

For those driving, you may use the large hang tag and hang it from your rear view mirror during pick up. For those walking, you can use the small hang tag. An additional small hang tag is provided which can be used by other guardians approved to pick up your child

Car Drop Off at 8:50am

  • Cones are lined up dividing the lot in half from beginning to end. This is to ensure that no cars are pulling out and around other cars that are waiting to drop off.

  • You may only turn RIGHT onto Highland Grove Drive when leaving the school during drop off and pick up.  

  • We ask you to PLEASE stay off your phone. Cellphone use of any kind in a school zone is against the law for all drivers in Illinois. This includes texting, talking and accessing the internet. Fines for violation of this law start at $75 for a first offense, which is considered a non-moving violation. 

  • PLEASE have your child sitting on the passenger side of the car for drop-off. 

  • PLEASE do not let your child out of the car until a supervisor has opened the door of your car. 

  • If you are walking your child to school you must use the crosswalks and sidewalks. 

If you are walking to/from your home to Tripp School please follow the below expectations.

  • You must use the designated crosswalks indicated with black lines on the map below. 

  • Please do not walk through the parking lot. Please use the sidewalks to walk your child to the designated drop off area. 

  • At pick-up you must have your Simpldismissal number. 

If you are parking in the staff parking lot please follow the below expectations:

  • When you pull into the parking lot you must turn right. 

  • You must park your car in a legal parking spot. 

  • You must walk your child to/from the designated drop off area. 

  • When walking your child to/from the designated drop off area please have your child near you and keep close to the perimeter of the parking lot. 

  • When exiting the parking lot please follow the one way direction indicated on the map below with green arrows. 

  • Please always be kind, respectful and safe. 

  • Remember to give our pedestrians the right of way.

Car Pick Up after 3:20pm

  • Students will be dismissed in order starting with the first car in line.

  • Supervisors will enter the Simpldismissal number displayed in the parents' car.

  • Inside supervisors will dismiss your child to exit the FRONT of the building. 

  • If you are picking your child up by car, you MUST pick up from the car pick up line. 

  • Please do not arrive to pick your child up by car before 3:00pm.

  • When leaving, you may only turn RIGHT onto Highland Grove. 

Pick up by walkers 

  • You may not park along the fire lane of the staff parking lot.

  • You may not drop off or pick up in the fire lane of the staff parking lot.  

  • Parents are not allowed past the walker pick up area.

  • If you wish, you may park in a parking space of the staff parking lot and walk to the “walker pick up area”. Here you will show the supervisor your Simpldismissal number.

  • There will be 3 lines formed in the walker pick up area. Once your Simpldismissal number has been entered, step aside and wait for your child.

  • If your child is walking to school in the AM, they will wait at the above sign until a supervisor arrives.

  • If parents are walking their child to school, you may not go past the above pictured sign. 

  • You must have your Simpldismissal tag with you to pick up your child. 

  • When you get to the above pictured sign, show your Simpldismissal tag to the supervisor.

Back Pack Tags

Another safety measure that we will continue to implement is backpack tags. Every student has a tag that must be placed on the outside of their backpack. The tags will be placed on your child’s backpack the first day of school.